Assalaamu Alaikum,
Alhamdulillah, by the the grace of Allah we blessed to be alive and see 2014.
Lot of unfortunate from our family & Friends didn't make it.
Since most of us were busy during December, we couldn't organize the AAF gathering.
InshaAllah, we have scheduled our AAF gathering on Jan 26th.
To accommodate everyone, we planned to have a dinner instead of Lunch.
If it is inconvenient for everyone please let us know, we can change the plan back to Lunch.
InshaAllah on Jan 21st, we (AAF executive members) planning to go meeting all the Adirai brothers
who work at restaurant directly.
Please let us know your availability, location & timing.
InshaAllah, during spring (End of March or Beginning of April) we planning to have a Adirai day.
A whole day family event (Games, Prizes & Food) at some community park.
Please do forward/pass this information to all your friends and family members.